#1: The first step

The Start of My Building in Public Journey


I used to believe I needed a one-of-a-kind, rare idea – like a unicorn – to create an app that millions would use. But reality hit: that special idea never arrived, and even if it had, my lack of product-launch experience would’ve weakened its chances of success.

Now, I’ve got a new strategy: craft a small app that tackles a specific problem. Do it again and again. This way, I’ll gain the know-how to go from concept to solution effectively.

To begin this journey, the first move is to figure out exactly what I aim for.

Quick Brainstorm

So, in short, this is what I’m aiming for:

  • Develop an app (the first of many).

  • Grasp the ins and outs of app development.

  • Get a handle on the frameworks and languages for building apps.

    • Use the right tools for the specific job at hand
  • Create a positive impact on others through the app-building journey.

  • Build my presence on Twitter/X, LinkedIn, the web (blog), and alike.

    • The goal is to get folks familiar with me and what I’m up to.

To make all this happen, I’ll need some handy tools in my toolkit.


The tools that I’ll use as a guide along the journey of creating solutions for problems in an iterative manner are a mix of technologies and resources.

App Creation

The initial idea that comes to my mind centers around an app designed to tackle my personal challenge: improving the efficiency and effectiveness of learning programming.

To make this happen, I’m aiming to develop an app that elevates how people grasp programming concepts.

This app will address a problem that I have experience with.

My goal is for the app to incorporate ideas from books like Ultralearning, Pragmatic thinking an learning, and more.

And yes, I’m excited to build this in public!

I will be taking a bootstrapped approach to bring this app to life.

Personal Blog Site

I need a place to organise and share my ideas during this process, and as I want to build in public, a blog is the best solution I can think of in order to achieve this. I want to use the blog to pour my ideas, experiences and lessons as I go through the building in public process.

I would love to see people reading my posts and sharing their opinions on them, so I’m planning on sharing those posts in social platforms such as:

  • Twitter/X

  • LinkedIn

  • Hacker News

  • Reddit (potentially)

Yes, you guessed it! The blog you are reading is the one I’m using to share my build in public process 😊.

Technical Blogs

I’m also keen on maintaining my blog posts about programming concepts. It not only aids my learning process but also lets me share interesting programming ideas with a wider audience, while staying in the loop with programming-related updates. As a bonus outcome, consistently publishing on technical blogs will enable me to cultivate a following that I can tap into when I launch my future products.

The main technical blogs I usually use to publish my posts are:

Closing Thoughts

Let’s do this! 🚀



“Build in public” refers to the practice of sharing the process of creating or developing something, such as a project, product, or idea, with a wider audience. This concept is commonly seen in the tech and creative industries, where individuals or teams openly share their progress, challenges, and insights during the development phase rather than waiting until the final product is complete. When someone is “building in public,” they might share regular updates on social media, blog posts, videos, podcasts, or other platforms. This transparent approach allows others to follow along, learn from the process, provide feedback, and even contribute ideas or suggestions. It can also help build a community around the project and foster a sense of collaboration and engagement. For example, as a software engineer who enjoys creating blog posts, you might write about your experiences and lessons learned while working on a coding project, sharing both your successes and setbacks. This can provide valuable insights to others in the software development community and also showcase your technical expertise in a relatable and approachable manner.


“Bootstrapped” in the context of business and startups refers to a company or project that is self-funded and operates without external investments or venture capital. A bootstrapped business is built and grown using the founder’s personal savings, revenue generated from the product or service, and possibly some loans or credit lines, but without relying on significant outside funding. Bootstrapping often involves careful financial management, resource allocation, and a focus on generating revenue early on to sustain the business. Bootstrapped companies typically prioritise profitability and self-sustainability from the outset, as they don’t have the luxury of relying on large sums of external investment to cover expenses and growth initiatives. Being “bootstrapped” can lead to a strong sense of ownership and control over the direction of the business, as well as a focus on organic growth and building a sustainable business model.

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